at |
Queue jobs for later execution. |
atq |
Lists the user's pending jobs. |
atrm |
Deletes jobs, determined by
their job number. |
batch |
Executes commands when system
load level permits. |
crontab |
Maintain crontab files for
individual users. |
halt |
Stop the system. |
init run level |
Process control initialization. |
jobs |
Lists currently executing jobs. |
kill |
Terminate a process. |
mesg |
Control write access to your
terminal. |
netstat |
Display network connections,
routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections and
multicast memberships. |
nice |
Run a program with modified
scheduling priority. |
pgrep |
Display processes. |
ps |
Report process status. |
pstree |
Display a tree of processes. |
reboot |
Stop the system. |
renice |
Alter priority of running
processes. |
shutdown |
Bring the system down. |
sleep |
Delay for a specified time. |
time |
Time a command or report
resource usage. |
top |
Display top CPU processes. |
uptime |
Show how long the system has
been running. |
vmstat |
Report virtual memory statistics. |
w |
Show who is logged on and what
they are doing. |
wall |
Send a message to everybody's
terminals. |
who |
Show who is logged on. |
write |
Send a message to another user. |